Cover photo of AND: The Gathered and
Scattered Church,
from Amazon.com
AND: The Gathered and
Scattered Church is a great follow up to Tangible Kingdom.
In their book AND: TheGathered and Scattered Church, Hugh Halter and Matt Smay address the
balance that every church must strike between gathering together and scattering
outward into the world in mission. While the church is supposed to meet
together in corporate fellowship, congregants are also supposed to be
scattered. The church is supposed to be missional and leave the corporate gathering
and fellowship for going out in mission.
Simply put, the church is supposed to both gather and
scatter. The church has left the building. The church is more than a building
that we go to. We are the church, and as the church, we must not only gather
together, but we must also go out into the world in mission.
AND: The Gathered and
Scattered Church is an excellent book to balance out mission and
fellowship, the gathering and the scattering.
Halter, Hugh and Smay, Matt. AND: The Gathered and ScatteredChurch. Zondervan, 2010.