White Plains, photo from Wikimedia
We had our first discipleship groups of the year last week
at Quisqueya
Christian School. I have six 9th grade guys and had another 5 students from
another discipleship group whose leader was absent.
We talked about some verses in Jude and I asked them to give
one word, any word, which describes their relationship with Jesus right now.
“What is one word you would use to describe your
relationship with Jesus right now?”
This was our passage from Jude: "Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you. . . I found it
necessary to write to you exhorting you
to contend earnestly for the faith
which was once for all delivered to the saints." –Jude 2-3
The word I used to describe my relationship with Jesus right
now was plain. Here are some synonyms for plain: normal, basic, bare, or ordinary.
I chose the word plain
to describe my relationship with Jesus right now, because, honestly, my
relationship with God seems sort of normal or basic. At times, my relationship
with God can even seem bare or ordinary.
As a noun, a plain can be “a flat expanse of land.” “Flat
expanse of land” also captures the emotion of the word plain, as well as my
relationship with the Lord. The mountains are visible in the distance and there
I stand “on the plain”, in the great expanse of it all.
When I posed this “one word” question later on to folks on
Facebook, these were some of the words that were used: argumentative,
inspiring, accelerating, growing, engaging, connected, humbling, directing,
calming, clinging, comforting, seeking, healing, reflecting, awesome, and
What is one word you would use to describe your relationship
with Jesus right now?
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If you would like to support our work of discipleship in Haiti, please click here.
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