“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” –Jesus, Matthew 11:28-30
"Nothing is more important for mature Christian discipleship than a fresh, clear, true vision of the authentic Jesus." -John Stott
“If we claim to be Christian, we should be like Christ.” -John Stott
We cannot teach what we do not know and we cannot lead people where we are unwilling to go.
Have you ever talked with someone who is passionate about something that they love? If you happen to ask them a simple question about their favorite subject, you have to put on your seat belt for the answer. These people can talk for hours about singular topics that interest them. They read and study about the subject and seek out information and the latest discoveries. These people listen to lectures, go to conferences, read magazines, read books, network with other people, and follow “gurus” and experts to the “ends of the earth.” Passionate might be a weak way to describe their behavior as they talk with you about the subjects they are absorbed with. Obsessed might be a better way to describe these people. When people are passionate about something, you do not have to tell them to pursue further knowledge on the subject, or to do more research. These people seek out knowledge and they go to where like minded people gather to discuss it and act on it. When someone is passionate they are students of their passion. These people engage their passion with their lives and their time.
Like someone who is passionate about a subject, a disciple is passionate about Jesus. A disciple, simply defined, is a learner. A Christian disciple is a learner or student of Jesus Christ. As disciples of Jesus, we must learn what God is teaching and go where God is leading us in obedience to Him. We are called to a passionate pursuit of God in learning and in growth.
If we are going to make disciples of Jesus, we must be passionate students and followers of Jesus ourselves. If we do not learn from Jesus and sit at His feet, we will not be able to teach others about Him. And if we are not willing to hear God, obey God, and go where Jesus is leading us, then we will never be able lead others to where Christ is.
Disciples of Jesus are like sponges, always soaking up God’s word and teachings. Disciples are always learning and are always going where Jesus is leading in obedience to Him. It has been said that converts grow old in the Lord; disciples grow up in the Lord. Disciples grow in maturity in their relationship with Jesus.
One of the definitions of a yoke is a rabbi, or teacher’s, set of teachings. Disciples are obedient to their Rabbi’s, Jesus’, yoke, or teachings. Disciples of Jesus are also yoked to Christ. A yoke is a bond or lash that fastens people together. Disciples are bound together with Jesus. Where ever God is, you can find His disciples there also. They are obedient to go where God leads as they are connected intimately with Him in His teachings and in His leading.
To make disciples of Jesus we must be disciples of Jesus ourselves, always learning and always following.
Learning and following Jesus by His grace and mercy and power,
Stott, John R.W. The Radical Disciple. Intervarsity Press. Downers Grove Il. © 2010
The Holy Bible : New International Version. electronic ed. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1996, c1984, S. Lk 6:40
The Holy Bible : New International Version. electronic ed. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1996, c1984, S. Mt 11:28-30
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