Robbie Pruitt, Drawing © 2007 by Brittany Arnold
Coffee Mug is a guest post by one of my Bible and Theology in the Arts students, Randolph Rameau. Randolph was given this creative writing assignment in his creative writing class where the prompt was to write from Mr. Pruitt’s coffee mug’s experience with Mr. Pruitt. Randolph did a fantastic job here and it is with great joy, and with his permission, that I share this little jewel with you. Hope you enjoy!
Coffee Mug, by Randolph Rameau
Bitterly awaiting my fate, I heard the familiar noise of the coffee pot boiling next to me “Smff.” Soon, he would come roaring in, demanding of my service.
The door flung open as he torpidly dragged himself towards me. Forcefully grabbing my handle, he poured the scorching hot coffee into me. His parched lips cried out, “Coffee!” as he downed the first sip sucking the life out of me like those creatures who roam the night looking for prey. Like a vampire draining the life from its victims, the coffee inside me was drained. I was abandoned, left behind and dried out, but I knew it was not the end-there was more coming.
He ordered me to stay intact, to await his return. I only had a few minutes to spare until the sweltering hot liquid would refill my interior. He reappeared through the portal, this time prepared for the day. He blabbered at me, “Students, baby, grading, huff and something about the neighbors.”
He sat down on the kitchen chair; trying to comfort me he said, “Sweet coffee, you make my day, without you I would be a mess.” Burning with jealousy and sentiments of un-appreciation, my handle cracked and the blazing hot coffee ran across his lap; he could do nothing, but run, screaming to his wife.
That was the highlight of my miserable life; knowing he related to my pain filled me with joy. I wondered, would he throw me away, would I end up in the dumpster?
I did not care; I was prepared for the worst to come…